It’s probably somewhat ironic to be writing this response to Senator Syvret’s speech some 36,000 feet up in the air in a plane somewhere between
I have at least assuaged some of my guilt by paying U$6.00 to an organisation called Trees of the Future ( that will go some way towards my journey being at least partially carbon neutral. Is this something we could offer to those who fly into our
That aside, what Senator Syvret had to say at the Chamber luncheon should be very seriously reflected upon by our society.
We are extremely fortunate to live in a temperate climate, with full employment and none of the uncertainties faced by many of our fellow human beings around the globe. That fortune though brings responsibilities. Responsibilities we too easily ignore when faced with the certainties of a strong economy and excellent public services.
It has always struck me as somewhat hypocritical in my industry (coffee) that we expect the countries from which we buy our products to be environmentally considerate when we blithely throw away tons of packaging material on a daily basis with sustainability being the last thing on our mind.
So when are we going to wake up and smell the coffee? If Senator Syvret is right Armageddon is just around the corner and we’re sleepwalking straight into it.
Surely it’s therefore about time
Energy security has to be a matter of huge strategic importance in a world already thinking past the days of cheap oil.
I’ve asked the question before but without answer, when will our planning authorities demand that all new builds have a rain water harvesting capability as a standard building requirement?
When will the use of solar panels also become part of a new build, or subsidies offered to encourage retro-fitting. When will the infrastructure be put in place by Government to encourage the use of electric vehicles?
Why aren’t businesses encouraged through grants to seek out more energy efficient methods of production?
There is so much that needs to be done and still we can barely organise the separation of household waste.
As Senator Syvret says “an entire paradigm shift is required” – not tomorrow or the day after, but today, or will it be a case of looking in our grand-children’s eyes and saying “if only…………..”?