Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How to get the most out of your Espresso machine this Christmas

It's the time of year when we sell espresso coffee machines like they're going out of fashion.

However we know that a lot of you wll be disappointed with the results of your first attempt at making an espresso based drink, whether it be an espresso, cappuccino or latte.

As a result I, Stefan and Ania have come up with a few top tips so that you get the most out of your espresso machine this coming holiday.

Ania first - Read the manufacturers instructions

Now I know that may sound obvious, but Ania knows what men are like. They see the shiney new machine plug it in and then try and work out how to use it with the instructions still in the box. It does only take 5 minutes to read the instructions, time Ania believes is well spent.

Stefan next - Take your time! - get organised

This is not a drink to be rushed. Make sure you warm up the machine properly before making a coffee. That includes group handles and cups. Only heat sufficient milk to make a couple of drinks maximum at a time. Chill out, enjoy the fact that it takes time to make great coffee.

Finally, David - Don't make the drinks too big

A great cappuccino only needs a shot of espresso in a 5 oz cup, topped out with milk and foam. You'll really appreciate the intense, balanced flavour far more than if you have a cup the size of a bucket.

.....and a couple of other points

Make the coffee first, then steam the milk, and once you have sufficient foam, pour straight on to the coffee, don't wait for the milk to settle.

Always use fresh cold milk, half fat will foam just fine. Reheating milk will not create any more foam.

Don't overheat the milk, there is a fine balance between a caramel taste remaining and the milk becoming almost bitter. Caramel enhances, bitter does not.

Always "flash" the steam wand after use, this gets rid of any excess milk that has made its way up the inside of the steam wand and will save you long term maintenance problems

Keep the machine clean, used grounds will not enhance the taste of your next coffee as they say, cleanliness is next to Godliness!

Have a great Christmas enhanced we hope by a cup of Coopers coffee!

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