Thursday, April 19, 2007

Modern Air travel - My idea of hell!

I had the dubious pleasure of travelling from Jersey to Frankfurt the other day, an experience from which I am still recovering! Not because I was delayed, or missed a flight, no everything in that respect went perfectly well. No it was the endless security searches, being packed in like a farm animal, the soul-less automatic check in, the complete lack of a smile from either passenger, crew or anyone for that fact. What's happened? I always used to look forward to air travel, now I shudder at the thought, where did it all go wrong?

I analysed my experience trying to understand why I felt the way I did.

I went through 5 security checks - shoes off, belt off, jacket off, watch off, keys out, mobile 'phone out, all personal grooming liquids out and placed in a clear plastic bag. Then all put away or put on. In the case of Frankfurt airport twice within 10 minutes!

You show your passport / ticket endlessly

There are endless arguments about only being allowed to take one piece of luggage on the plane

You're permanently in a queue, whether to check-in or go through security

You used to at least have the pleasure of a smiling face when you checked in, now due to advances in technology you're better off checking in electronically because due to reduced staffing levels at the check-in desks the queues have become unbearable.

Seat space - Both airlines in their attempt to ensure maximum capacity stick each chair as close as possible, so that if you have the misfortune to be 6 foot tall (as I am) you are literally unable to move in your seat. No wonder deep veined thrombosis has become an issue in modern travel.

The charging levels for a simple hot drink are outrageous. Surely if a reasonable price were asked then more product would be sold, or is that just me?

Then when you get to the end of your journey, there is a mad rush to get off the aircraft, with not even a semblance of courtesy shown between passengers as people desperately switch on mobile phones in case they've missed something life threatening.

I found the whole experience crushing and demoralising. Is this the ultimate consequence of free market competition? Is this what we deserve if we don't want to pay a reasonable price for our air ticket? Is this the result of airlines trying to maximise returns for their shareholders and woe betide underperformers? I simply don't know

Asked the question is it better to travel than to arrive? My answer, neither, stay at home!


Jersey Tourism & Hospitality Industry Blog said...

David - I recognise your frustration. However, you do fail to mention the cost of your ticket & how this compares to prices for the same journey 10 years ago. I suspect that you will find that, after adding inflation, your ticket cost less today than it did then.

It is true that airlines are squeezing more seats onto the plane to increase revenue. However, the fact is that most people are prepared to put up with the lack of leg room etc. in order to receive a low fare.

As for airport security - I agree it's incredibly frustrating, but I would argue that no price is too high to pay in order to ensure there is no chance of some maniac blowing up my plane.

The fact that no one smiles is depressing - but I find that if you smile, people smile back. Perhaps if everyone followed this rule, airports (and aircraft) would be happier places!

Unknown said...

Time to get your PPL David!

David Warr said...

Thanks for the feedback - I'm just off on a coffee conference to Los Angeles - oh only around 10 hours of flying, I can't wait!