Thursday, August 17, 2006

Perfect espresso tip

So to my first tip on how to make great espresso coffee, of which there are many! Before you make your first espresso based drink of the day ensure that your machine is as warm as warm can be. That doesn't mean just waiting for the thermostat light to go out, it means running a couple of cupfulls of water through the machine before you attempt to make a coffee. This will heat up all the pipes and group handle in your coffee machine and should help to deliver that great coffee taste into your cup (which should also be warm!) So my first request to all coffee machine manufacturers out there - please put this in your manuals, your customers will thank you for life.


Unknown said...

Is this why coffee always tastes better at Starbucks?

David Warr said...

Hi Phil

Probably - Their turnover is such that the coffee machines remain at optimum operating temperature throughout the day. They will also have an hourly level of coffee bean turnover that means that means that most of what was in the bag gets into your cup. However no doubt there are some quiter Starbuck's stores where they need to be particulrly careful.