Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Coffee machine manuals, uses and abuses!

Today I spent 2 hours on site with a customer in an attempt to descale their coffee machine. They in turn had spent 4 hours the previous day trying to descale the same machine. What a complete waste of time.

And you know why, the manual which they were following failed to distinguish between a plumbed-in machine and a manual fill machine!

The machine only cost some £3,000, uses the latest in cutting edge technology, is highly user friendly and makes great coffee.

On this occasion it was the world renowned Jura coffee machine company, however I have seen endless examples in a myriad of machine manuals.

Why is it so difficult to get the manual right? When a machine goes wrong, or doesn't function in quite the right way, the immediate reaction of the customer is to turn to the manual for help. If this assistance isn't provided the customer's confidence in the quality of the machine is quickly diminished over what on many occasions is a very simple problem.

So please machine manufacturers take care over your manuals, make sure that they are constantly updated, it doesn't cost much, whereas the cost of failure in doing so is unquantifiable and only gives your competitor an opportunity to take away that next machine sale from you.

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