Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Descaling Jura coffee machines

A bit like London buses, nothing for ages, then 2 come along at once. This has been our recent experience with a couple of Jura bean to cup coffee machines brought into us recently. An F90 and an S70 (think that's right). The point is that in both instances there were no messages saying "descale me" but instead the machines had become blocked in such a way that no liquid was appearing out of the front nozzles.
Following a conversation with Jura Products in the UK we were advised to place 3 (yes 3!) descaling tablets in the water tank and then start the descale procedure.
The challenge though is working out how to start the descale procedure. The one thing I find Jura are particularly good at is making it obvious to users what the next step should be. This however is not the case with the descale option. Now I know it's not something you want to do accidentally as the whole process takes around 30 minutes, but at least give us a visual hint!
The great thing though was that the Jura engineer was right, in both instances blockages had been caused by a scaling up of the delivery pipes. Both machines are now back with their happy owners.

1 comment:

Xpress Coffee Uk said...

If you use a water filter on the Jura machines you need to turn it off in the menu to allow the Descale option to appear so it can be found.
Once found and selected the prompts should help you get through.